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Pro Tools Fundamentals I

Cost: $1295.00
Course Length: 16 Hours

PT101 Pro Tools Fundamentals I Overview

The Pro Tools Fundamentals I (PT101) class introduces fundamental Pro Tools concepts and principles, covering everything an individual needs to know to complete a basic Pro Tools project, from initial setup to final mixdown. Students also learn to build sessions that include multi-track recordings of live audio, MIDI sequences and virtual instruments. Hands-on exercises and projects introduce essential techniques for creating sessions, recording and importing audio and MIDI, editing session media, navigating sessions and arranging media on tracks, and using basic processing and mixing techniques to finalize a production. Included with the class material is a download of media files and Pro Tools sessions to accompany the exercises and projects in the text. Together with the second class in the series, Pro Tools Fundamentals II (PT110), this class provides the foundation training required to prepare for the Avid Certified User: Pro Tools certification exam.

Class Details


Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:

  • Create a Pro Tools session document or cloud-enabled project with appropriate parameter settings
  • Accomplish common audio production tasks
  • Employ navigation and editing skills in a multi-track Pro Tools document
  • Incorporate proper recording and mixing techniques for audio and MIDI files in the Pro Tools environment
  • Analyze and interpret session file structures
  • Recognize and navigate the user interface and tool set


This class is designed for both new and experienced Pro Tools users seeking to build a solid foundational understanding of the software.


No experience with Avid Pro Tools software is required A working knowledge of Windows or Mac operating systems Basic audio recording and DAW knowledge, such as a familiarity with microphones, understanding of basic audio and MIDI recording techniques, knowledge of basic multi-track mixing concepts (such as setting levels and panning), and familiarity with digital audio equipment such as MIDI controllers and audio interfaces.

Certification Available

Completion of PT101 and PT110 classes unlocks the Avid Pro Tools User Certification exam.



The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
PT101 - April 1-4 from 9am-1pm PT
One seat for PT online101 class - April 1-4 from 9am-1pm PT online
$ 1,295.00
10 available
PT101 - May 13-16 from 9am-1pm PT
One seat for PT online101 class - May 13-16 from 9am-1pm PT online
$ 1,295.00
10 available
PT101 - June 17-20 from 9am-1pm PT
One seat for PT online101 class - June 17-20 from 9am-1pm PT online
$ 1,295.00
10 available