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Pro Tools Fundamentals II

Cost: $1525.00
Course Length: 24 Hours

PT110 Pro Tools Fundamentals II Overview

The Pro Tools Fundamentals II (PT110) class expands upon the basic principles taught in the Pro Tools Fundamentals I (PT101) class and introduces the core concepts and techniques students need to competently operate a Pro Tools system running mid-sized sessions. Students learn to build sessions designed for commercial purposes and improve the results of their recording, editing, and mixing efforts. The hands-on exercises provide experience setting up sessions, importing media, working with digital video, spotting sound effects, using loop recording and MIDI Merge techniques, working with virtual instruments, warping with Elastic Audio, applying Real-Time Properties, creating clip loops, applying signal processing, using automation, and using submixes and track groups to simplify a final mix. Together with the first class in the series, Pro Tools Fundamentals (PT101), this class provides the training required to prepare for the Avid Certified User: Pro Tools certification exam.

Class Details


Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:

  • Manage large track counts and multiple channels of simultaneous inputs and outputs
  • Create appropriate Pro Tools software and hardware settings
  • Select appropriate settings in the Playback Engine dialog
  • Set up and modify input/output (I/O) settings
  • Assess and integrate virtual instruments and specialized plug-ins for specific music
  • Utilize advanced recording techniques to capture multiple record takes in succession
  • Analyze Elastic Audio processors and methods to select appropriate options
  • Utilize Elastic Audio techniques MIDI Real-Time Properties to achieve desired tempo and/or rhythmic effects and outcomes
  • Apply clip-based editing techniques to audio and MIDI tracks
  • Incorporate automated mixing techniques into a Pro Tools workflow for selective during a session post-production tasks automation
  • Be ready to sit the associated certification exam


This course is designed for moderately skilled users looking to continue expanding their skills in Pro Tools.


Completion of Pro Tools Fundamentals I (PT101) class, or equivalent experience. Ability to create sessions, select appropriate session parameters, record audio and MIDI, use Edit modes and tools effectively, set Grid and Nudge values, create and recall memory locations, navigate tracks and media, create Edit selections using a variety of common techniques, use plug-ins for signal processing and virtual instruments, create a basic mix, and use basic automation techniques recommended.

Certification Available

Completion of PT101 and PT110 classes unlocks the Avid Pro Tools User Certification exam.



The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
PT110 - April 7-11 from 9am-1:48pm PT
One seat for PT online110 class - April 7-11 from 9am-1:48pm PT online
$ 1,525.00
10 available
PT110 - May 19-23 from 9am-1:48pm PT
One seat for PT online110 class - May 19-23 from 9am-1:48pm PT online
$ 1,525.00
10 available
PT110 - June 23-27 from 9am-1:48pm PT
One seat for PT online110 class - June 23-27 from 9am-1:48pm PT online
$ 1,525.00
10 available